
Food Truck

It appears we are re-creating our Fud Truc. The company that was leasing it from us has gone out of business. They did extremely well while they had it, but it stopped being their favorite thing to do.

We are now doing our research and recreating the business plan. I’ll share some of that here as things progress.

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Here I will post a Science Fiction novel I wrote. It’s title is Elizabeth, Elizabeth. I encourage you to enjoy the story, offer productive feedback and encouragement, and help keep me honest as far as the science goes – as you may guess, some of the science is being projected into the future, so I am likely to get it wrong, but I hope at least its internally consistent.

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This will be a place for posting useful information on Judo and other martial arts.

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When I was a child my mother taught me to play the violin. It was difficult for me, and many of my fellow violinists, violists, and cellists far surpassed me in ability. I developed other musical skills and retained the talent for music, but I just didn’t have that certain genius that Mom and my grandfather had.

So I have embarked on a new venture, albeit slowly. I have decided to be a luthier, someone who makes violins, guitars and other stringed instruments. I have studied the techniques, and have now decided to (after a few bad starts,) begin a new musical journey.

In this journal I will detail and discuss the successes and pitfalls of my journey. Questions and comments are welcome, of course.

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I recently ran, unsuccessfully, for public office; coroner for the County of Champaign, in Illinois. It was my first foray into politics. I was always nervous about discussing politics, after all – what would my boss, colleagues, or customers think? Here in my sixth decade, I decided that this is less important than doing the right thing, and seeing that the right thing is done.

On Facebook, I do my best to gently correct people who hold opinions based on incorrect information and lies. I usually like to point to where I got my information from so there is no ‘says you’ response.

Anyway, here I will periodically post opinion pieces. They usually will be based on real world and reasonable beliefs, but also fact. I will try to leave reposting stuff to my facebook page, here is all original thinking.

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Here will be my journal and weblog (blog). I will entertain discussions on my posts, but ask that you be at least as civil as me. Posts that are inappropriate or objectionable will not be posted.

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